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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Loving my Wii Fit!!

One of my biggest downfalls/setbacks is my motivation to workout and exercise. I get bored so easy and then I lose interest. We have a treadmill that my husband uses several times a week and at first I was using it too but as I mentioned, I get BORED BORED BORED. I need my workouts to be fun and to go by quickly without me realizing the time LOL yeah I know I'm like a kid LOL Anyway a while back we bought a Wii Fit and I used it a couple times but really thought it was more for my kids than me. Then a couple days ago I read a blog post (I can't remember who it was) talking about how she used game on her Wii Fit to spice up her workout and I started to think about my Wii in a whole new light. So tonight I pulled out the balance board and the Wii Fit Plus disc and actually turned them on.

I have always wanted to go to a yoga class but I am still very self conscious so I always chicken out. Well I I designed my own 20 minute Yoga class, I figured that would be a good start, and then my son and I spent about hour playing the balance games. When I put it all into my WW activity tracker It came out the 3 activity points. Not a ton of points but hey, it's 3 more than I would have had if I hadn't played some games with my son. I had fun and I burned some calories, isn't that what a workout is for? If I had made myself walk on the treadmill for 45 minutes I would have earned those same 3 activity points but this way I earned them and enjoyed it! That's the biggest difference AND I am looking forward to doing it again tomorrow! That hasn't been the case for the treadmill in several months now LOL. I may actually even be able to get a good night sleep tonight. If I am sore tomorrow I will know it was a great way to workout. I LOVE the Yoga and can't wait to do it again!

On a related note, we will be getting an xBox Kinect in the next month or so and I want to try to find some fun workout type games for that as well. I think Zumba with the Kinect would be a LOT of fun! I have to figure out how to keep both my Wii and the new Kinect hooked up to the TV so I can play them both LOL Oh Oh, I may be turning into one of those video game geeks, oh well, if I do I will be one hot geek LOL

~~Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil~~


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